Views: 10 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2019-10-26 Origin: Site
Silver nitrate is an inorganic compound of the formula silver nitrate. Inorganic compounds are compounds that are not recognized as "organic"
Introduction: Peroxides are made from silver nitrate, but manufacturers do not often claim that it is colloidal silver. This is a significant difference between the two. For example, silver nitrate is a compound of the formula AgNO3. Colloidal silver is not a compound, it is an element, a liquid suspension of silver particles.
There have been no long term studies done in the human body
regarding the safety of silver-nitrate.
Silver nitrate is toxic and corrosive. Little exposure to the chemical will not produce immediate or even any side effects other than the purple skin stains, but with more exposure, side effects will become more noticeable. It is very poisonous and can cause burns. Long-term exposure can cause permanent blue-grey staining of eyes, mouth, throat and skin, (argyria)and may cause eye damage. Short contact can lead to deposition of black silver stains on the skin. Besides being very destructive of mucous membranes, it is a skin and eye irritant.
Silver compounds, such as silver acetate, silver nitrate, silver arsphenamine, can be extremely toxic in the human body due to the extremely high concentration of silver. All silver compounds used, for a variety of reasons, place a user at risk for argyria.
So be careful when handling silver nitrate.